How to Write a Perfect Facebook Post

How to Write a Perfect Facebook Post– I started on the hunt for solutions and found a slew of best practices and examples of what makes a great Facebook post. Examine the findings below, apply the recommendations and methods to your posts, and watch your Facebook numbers rise.

The Anatomy of a Perfect Facebook Post

Here are the five factors that go into a flawless Facebook post, according to what I discovered. I’ll go through each of them in further depth later in the essay.

An excellent Facebook status update:

is a hyperlink

If you can, keep it to 40 characters or less.

is published at off-peak hours

follows other people’s posts regularly

timely and interesting

This type of post has been quite successful for several Facebook accounts. Take, for example, this one from The Muse (a Facebook page that routinely engages 50 percent of its fans per post). It gets the post type, length, and imagery just right.

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Of course, you may use any of the best practices listed below as a starting point for your trials and testing. I’ll be trying them on the Buffer website as well, and I’m excited to share the findings with you later.

Let’s go through each ideal element in further depth.

1. A perfect Facebook post is a link post

When compared to links put into a photo update, link updates that use the built-in Facebook link style receive twice as many clicks.

The information comes from Facebook’s research on the number of clicks for various post kinds. Their data reveal that links top photographs, and their recommendations lead to a post type that matches the story—status, photo, link, video.

When publishing material on Facebook, the option between publishing as a link and sharing as a photo is frequently made. It appears that links will produce the most outstanding results.

What is the difference between a link post and a photo post?

And how is it possible to publish one but not the other?

Meta tags from the website, including the page title, description, and photographs, create link postings. When you put a link into the update box on your Facebook page, Facebook will automatically pull the information in and format it as a link. An example from the Buffer website is shown below.

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Uploading and attaching a photo to your update is required for photo postings. Underneath the personalized wording that you add, the image stands alone. You may also include a link in your text (these are the links that fail to get the better click rate compared to link posts).

It’s possible that the technique to make a link post in Facebook’s update composer isn’t immediately apparent. You won’t see an icon to input a link when you’re composing a new update. Status, Photo/Video, and Offer/Event are the options at the top.

Please copy and paste a URL into the composer box to share it.

Facebook will display the link’s meta information—title, description, and photo—after a second or two.

After that, you may remove the URL from the composer box and replace it with your snappy beginning.

You can alter the text and picture on your website to link to look precisely as you want it to by changing the open graph tags. We’ve written about how this process works here, and if you want to know how far you’ve come before making an update, you may use the Facebook Open Graph Debugger tool to see how far you’ve come (and check to see what might need fixing).

There’s a perfect quantity for everything, even what to type (and how much to say).

2. A perfect Facebook post is short, as minor 40 characters if at all possible

Posts with this length get more likes and comments—in other words, they get more interaction.

According to a Buddy Media research of 100 top Facebook users, postings with 40 characters or fewer got the highest interaction (it also happens that these ultra short posts are the least frequent types of posts on Facebook).

Other research has backed up the “shorter is better” axiom.

BlitzLocal examined 11,000 Facebook pages and discovered that when updates became shorter, engagement rose.

In their research, Track Social discovered a similar effect: The most likes, comments, and answers were seen on so-called “small” posts of zero to 70 characters.

It doesn’t seem like forty characters is a lot. With so little room, what kind of message can you cram into your post?

3.A perfect Facebook post is sent at non-peak hours.

The thought process goes like this: you’re competing with hundreds of thousands of other postings for a spot in your fans’ Facebook News Feeds. Your updates have a higher chance of getting through if you upload them while few others do.

This is known as the “Late Night Infomercial Effect.” And Track Maven was able to back it up with data.

Track Maven came up with best practices and suggestions for marketers after studying 5,800 sites and over 1.5 million posts. Post on Saturdays and Sundays and after usual business hours are some of the suggestions.

5:00 p.m. is the most fantastic time for a workday, from 1:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Try publishing on the weekend for an additional boost in engagement.

4. A perfect Facebook post is part of a consistent sharing strategy

Mark Schaefer and Tom Webster looked at data from 8,000 Facebook pages (data from AgoraPulse) to see how companies were affected by the apparent decline in organic reach. They came away with some interesting statistics (more than 70% of pages had an organic reach reduction of 30% or more) and some best practices from the few thriving pages.

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They concentrated on four pages that had been successful and the four traits that each page shared:

They are aiming for a passionate audience.

They produce excellent stuff (at least, very good for their target audience)

They regularly publish (at least once a day, often more)

They get many shares (due to the three criteria above), and shares give a page’s content the most “viral” exposure.

Let’s pretend you have a devoted fan base for your page (which is why they became fans, right?).

Let’s also suppose you’re putting out quality material.

What is the third and most important ingredient?

5. A perfect Facebook post includes a newsworthy element (optional)

This final criterion may not apply to many businesses, especially those whose content and business may not lend themselves to timely delivery. Nonetheless…

If you can incorporate a unique perspective into your Facebook post, do so.

The most recent changes to Facebook’s News Feed algorithm give relevant, hot subjects a modest boost.



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