How to Bring Down Fever in Babies

How to Bring Down Fever in Babies – When a baby has a fever, it can be concerning. A fever, on the other hand, indicates that the body is fighting an infection and that the immune system is functioning properly.
Although low-grade fevers may be beneficial for very young children, high-grade fevers can indicate a serious infection.
This article discusses how to reduce a baby’s fever, what to avoid, and when to seek medical attention.

What exactly is a fever?

Typically, a baby’s body temperature is around 98.6°F (37°C). If a baby’s body temperature is:

  • When taken rectally, 100.4°F (38°C) or greater
    When measured in other areas, such as the ear or forehead, the temperature is 99.4°F (37.4°C) or higher.
  • Babies frequently develop extremely high fevers. A fever is not dangerous unless it exceeds 105°F (40.5°C).
  • However, even if the fever is not high, the infection that causes it can be extremely dangerous.

How to treat a fever in infants

When a baby has a fever, the caregiver’s primary focus should be on treating its underlying cause, not on the fever itself.

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The appropriate treatment will vary according to the baby’s age, the severity of the fever, and any additional symptoms.

Medication used to treat fever.

A physician may prescribe specific medication to bring a fever down. Never give aspirin to a baby, and never give an adult anti-fever medication to a baby.

It is critical to follow the directions on the packaging or those provided by your doctor. Generally, the appropriate dosage is determined by the child’s weight. Double-check the dosage and ensure that the tool used to administer the medication is calibrated appropriately.

Individuals should only administer fever-reducing medication to infants and children by official guidelines and, preferably, under the supervision of a physician. Avoid using this type of medication on infants younger than three months without first consulting a physician.

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In the United States, between 2% and 5% of infants and children experience a febrile seizure before reaching five, and these seizures are typically harmless. A fever causes them, typically caused by a cold, flu, or ear infection. Anti-fever medication has been shown not to affect the risk of having a seizure.

Remedy at home to Bring Down Fever in Babies

If a doctor does not prescribe anti-fever medication for a baby, the following home care techniques may still be beneficial:

  • Drinking fluids: Because the goal is to keep them hydrated, it is best to provide them with plenty of water.
  • Dressing them lightly: Dress the infant in light layers, rather than heavy clothing or a coat.
  • Handwashing: Wash your hands frequently and take other precautions to prevent the infection from spreading. If the baby is breastfeeding, it may be beneficial to nurse them on demand.
    Breastfeeding can provide antibodies to aid the infant in fighting the infection. Additionally, it aids in keeping them hydrated and may alleviate their pain. It is safe to continue nursing Trusted Source even if the caregiver is ill with the flu.

What not to do 

Many home cures for fever are unsuccessful because they lower the exterior body temperature, making a newborn more uncomfortable.

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If your baby gets a fever, do the following:

  • Do not use home remedies to treat infection-related symptoms such as fever or pain in lieu of medical care.
    Avoid applying cool or lukewarm cloths to a baby who is demonstrating signs of discomfort, such as crying or shivering. Continue to breastfeed them.
  • Give the baby medication only if a doctor recommends it, and then carefully follow the instructions.
  • Limit neither the fluid nor the food intake of the infant.
  • Avoid taking the infant out in public or enrolling them in daycare.
  • Taking a baby’s temperature safely
  • Rectally taking a baby’s temperature is the most reliable method.
  • To begin, lubricate the thermometer’s tip. Placing the infant on their side or stomach, gently insert the thermometer’s bulb into their rectum. Avoid using glass thermometers and avoid yanking on the thermometer.

It may be good to nurse the infant while taking the temperature. Wait until the infant is entirely asleep if they resist.

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