How to remove wall paper

How to Remove Wallpaper (Easily!)

When it comes to wallpaper, what goes up, must come down. If you’re ready to give your walls a fresh start, the first step is learning how to remove wallpaper. Whether you’ll be painting or re-papering, experts agree that taking down the old wallpaper is essential. Fortunately, you don’t need to hire a pro—it’s a DIY project you can handle in a day. Read on to find out what you need to do to strip your wall coverings without damaging your walls. No matter what type of wallpaper you’re dealing with, we’ll show you how to remove it as painlessly as possible.

Clear and Prepare the Room for DIY Wallpaper Removal

Begin by removing items from the walls and moving furniture to the center of the room, or out of the room if possible. Cover floors and remaining furniture with drop cloths to protect them from getting wet.

Cut the Power

Shut off the electricity to the room and cover any outlets or light switches with painter’s tape.

Determine Your Wall and Wallpaper Type

You’ll want to figure out whether your walls are plaster or drywall before you start peeling. Drywall can be damaged if gets too wet, so be careful not to over soak. It’s also important to determine what kind of wallpaper you’re working with. Use a putty knife to loosen a corner of the paper and try to peel it off. If it comes right off, then you have strippable wallpaper. (You lucky thing, you!) If the wallpaper peels away but leaves a paper backing, then you’re dealing with peelable wallpaper. If the paper doesn’t budge, then you have a traditional wallpaper that will need to be removed with water and a chemical stripper. (Sorry) Below, you’ll find instructions for how to remove each type of wallpaper.

How to Remove Strippable Wallpaper

1. Gather your Materials

2. Loosen the Corner and Pull

Use your putty knife to lift the corner of the paper. Use your hands to peel the paper from the wall, pulling as close to the wall as you can to avoid tearing the paper. If the paper does rip, loosen another corner and start again. Repeat the process around the entire room.

3. Clean the Walls

Once all the paper has been removed, clean the walls with soap and water to remove any residue. Allow the walls to dry completely before painting.

How to Remove Traditional Wallpaper

1. Gather your Materials

  • Water
  • Wallpaper stripper
  • Spray bottle, garden sprayer, or paint roller
  • Putty knife
  • Scoring tool (if necessary)
  • Ladder
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Rags
  • Rubber gloves

2. Mix the Solution

Combine hot water and wallpaper stripper according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pour the solution into a spray bottle or garden sprayer.

3. Apply Solution

Use a spray bottle, garden sprayer, or paint roller to apply the solution to a small section of the wall, about 3’x3’. Let the solution sit and absorb for several minutes.

4. Scrape the Wallpaper Off

Use your putty knife to peel off the wallpaper, working your way up the wall. Be careful not to gouge the drywall as you scrape. Once the paper has been removed from the section, move on to the next area.

5. Score if Necessary

If the solution doesn’t absorb and the wallpaper is difficult to scrape, you may need to score the wall before applying the solution. Roll a scoring tool over the paper, making overlapping circles.

6. Clean the Walls

Wipe down the walls with soap and water to remove any residue. If there’s stubborn adhesive left behind, follow our guide on how to remove wallpaper glue.

How to Remove Peelable Wallpaper

1. Gather your Materials

  • Water
  • Wallpaper stripper
  • Spray bottle, garden sprayer or paint roller
  • Putty knife
  • Scoring tool (if necessary)
  • Ladder
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Rags
  • Rubber gloves

2. Remove the Top Layer

Begin by peeling off the top layer of the wallpaper. Loosen the corner with a putty knife and pull the paper off the paper backing.

3. Remove the Backing

To remove the paper layer left behind, you’ll use the technique described above for removing traditional wallpaper.

How to Remove Wallpaper When Nothing Else Works: Grab a Steamer

If your wallpaper refuses to budge no matter how much you spray and scrape, you may need to use an electric steamer, which can be rented from a home improvement store.

1. Gather your Materials

  • Electric steamer
  • Putty knife
  • Safety goggles
  • Rubber gloves
  • Scoring tool (if necessary)
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Rags

2. Set Up the Steamer

Follow the manufacturer’s directions to prepare the steamer. You’ll add water to the steamer and let it heat up before beginning. Be sure to wear protective gloves and long sleeves so you don’t get burned by the steam or drips of hot water.

3. Steam the Wallpaper

Hold the steamer to the wallpaper to loosen the adhesive. If you have drywall, be careful not to oversteam. Scrape the wallpaper off with a putty knife. If the steam doesn’t penetrate the wallpaper, use a scoring tool to make small holes in the paper. Continue the process of steaming and scraping until all the wallpaper is removed.

4. Clean the Walls

Clean off any residue with soap and water. Allow the walls to dry completely.

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