Why Trust Is The New Marketing Currency

Why Trust Is The New Marketing Currency – There are few things more valuable than trust when it comes to connecting with potential customers. Every business relationship necessitates the presence of faith.

Assume you’re on your way to a jewelry store to buy a Rolex watch. Maybe you can’t afford one, but consider this: You pass a man on the street on your way to the store. He approaches you, rolls up his sleeve, and reveals his arm, which is adorned with wristwatches up to his elbow.

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“Would you like to buy a Rolex?” He mutters something.

You won’t bite unless you’re temporarily insane. What is the reason for this? Because you don’t have faith in him. Those Rolexes can’t possibly be genuine.

Although this may seem like an odd comparison, many digital marketers today are analogous to a watch salesman. They make contact with a potential customer via social media or email and immediately start pitching their products without taking the time to build a trusting relationship.

This is a colossal miscalculation. It is more important than ever for digital marketers to build trust with potential clients. Services or products can only be sold after trust has been established. And creating fantastic content that potential customers can’t find anywhere else is one of the best ways to develop confidence with them. Here’s how you can do it.

Why is it essential to establish trust?

Companies used to build trust by enlisting the help of “experts” in the old days of advertising.

Tobacco companies like to brag about how 9 out of 10 doctors recommend their products. Take a look at the Lucky Strike commercial below, for example. This may seem absurd now, but it was a legitimate advertising strategy that paid off.

That is no longer the case. More and more research shows that attempting to sell products to customers does not work as well as it once did. According to a recent Hubspot survey, only 3% of those polled thought marketers and salespeople were trustworthy. The implication was that when it comes to selling, marketers are at a disadvantage and must put in extra effort to build trust with potential customers.

Millennials, in particular, can be tough to reach. “Millennials don’t trust advertisements,” wrote marketing strategist Matthew Tyson. Only about 1% of millennials claim to be influenced by a compelling advertisement. The rest are almost instinctively wary of ads. They think it’s all a load of nonsense, so they don’t pay attention.”

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As a result, businesses must devote far more time to building trust and far less time to simply selling products. People buy from people they like and believe in. “The more someone likes you, the more they begin to trust you,” said Bill Carmody, a college basketball coach. This shifts the buyer-seller relationship to the preferred position of subject matter expert and interested party.”

In other words, simply getting your product out there isn’t enough. Getting people to look at what you’re selling isn’t enough. Today’s currency is trust, not exposure. Naturally, this raises an important question: how do you establish trust?

Why is compelling content so crucial for building trust?

Previously, trust was thought to be a function of authority. In other words, people automatically trusted you if you were in a position of power. In business, CEOs were trusted voices, doctors were trusted with medical decisions, and we, as consumers, trusted marketers to tell us what to buy. This is no longer the case. Over time, trust must be earned.

Creating compelling content is one of the most effective ways to earn customer trust.

What does it mean to have “compelling” content? Compelling content is content that:

  • Demonstrates the author’s authority and expertise
  • provides significant value and knowledge to the reader
  • encourages readers to share the content with others
  • Assures the reader that the author can be relied upon on a specific topic.

Consider the staggering amount of uninteresting content created every day: Facebook posts about cute cats and memes. GIFs of Drake and spam emails. We’re overwhelmed and drowning in meaningless content from Buzzfeed articles like “14 Things Only Left-Handed Redheads Will Understand.” So, how do entrepreneurs stand out in such a crowded, saturated market? They produce unique, compelling, and engaging content that establishes them as experts.

You create well-written, thoroughly researched long-form content (if you’re just such an entrepreneur). What’s the point of long-form? Because you can demonstrate your knowledge of a subject by writing longer, more detailed posts.

Short posts won’t help you establish your credit unless you’re Seth Godin, who has been writing about marketing for the past 20 years. In an uninformed opinion piece, anyone can slap together 300 words. A long-form piece necessitates careful consideration and research, as well as sufficient space to develop an argument. Two more things to consider when it comes to long-form:

1. Longer posts are more likely to be shared on social media

While social shares aren’t the only indicator of valuable content (look at Buzzfeed), they are essential for building trust. “When people like something, they are only lightly and temporarily bonding with it,” marketing solutions executive Mark Shaeffer explained. When they share something, however, it is a courageous and intimate act. They are virtually raising their hand and saying, ‘I believe in this.’ This is something I support. ‘Take notice.’

When hundreds, if not thousands, of people, share something you’ve written, it establishes you as a trustworthy person. Longer content receives far more social shares than shorter content, according to BuzzSumo. “People love to share LOL cat pictures and funny memes, but they also want to share intellectually challenging long-form content,” they concluded. Because the former is so prevalent on the internet, you’d be better off devoting your time to writing that one epic piece of content rather than a slew of short, fluffy ones.”

2. Longer posts are preferred by Google

Longer content is essential for ranking high in Google searches. Wordstream saw a significant increase in user engagement when it switched from shorter to longer content.

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It’s not a coincidence that Wikipedia appears in so many Google search results. The majority of its entries are well over 7,000 words long and include numerous references. This type of detailed content earns Google’s trust, which is why Wikipedia pages are frequently displayed.

This is something I’ve noticed as well. I noticed a significant improvement in search results after I published a 5,000-word post on how to build a website. Because Google recognizes that a longer post can better answer a searcher’s question than a 500-word post, the longer post ranks higher in search results.

What is the story’s moral? Longer content appears higher in Google search results, indicating that it is more trustworthy.

There are four steps to creating content that builds trust.

You’ll need a specific plan for creating content that builds trust once you’ve recognized the importance of doing so. Here are four steps to help you create incredible content that inspires a lot of trusts.

1. Define who you want to reach.

Before you start writing, you need to figure out who you’re writing for. Each audience has its own set of terms and phrases. Entrepreneurs frequently discuss expansion and new ideas. New leads and higher conversion rates are top priorities for salespeople. The millennial generation aspires to be “on fleek.”

If you don’t speak their language, your audience will lose trust in you. If you don’t know who your target audience is, take the time to figure it out. Suppose you don’t know how to communicate with your target market; team up with someone who does.

2. Define your target market.

After you’ve defined your target market, you’ll want to narrow down your niche. Your niche allows you to concentrate your knowledge and time on a single topic. If you’re passionate about starting a blog, you can carve out a niche for yourself and establish yourself as an expert in that field.

Writing useful content for niche websites is also a highly effective way to establish your authority. Writing for Engadget is a great fit if you like tech and electronics, but if you want to write a detailed post about user-centered design, you might be better off writing for Specky Boy. Consider where your target audience hangs out online to find out who they are.

3. Look for content that has already proven to be successful.

Once you’ve defined your niche, you’ll be able to see what existing content is performing well with this audience. You can use tools like BuzzSumo to see which content on a website is getting the most social shares.

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Assume your target audience is made up of content marketers. You’re familiar with content marketers, such as the ContentMarketingInstitute.com website. Here’s what you get when you use BuzzSumo to look at the most shared pieces at CMI over the last year:

As you can see from this quick search, content marketers are very interested in keeping up with industry trends. You will gain significant trust from readers, generate social shares, and develop deeper relationships with potential customers if you write a long and detailed post about the future of content marketing.

4. Your content can add a lot of value.

Short and fluffy content, as previously stated, provides little value to readers and is unlikely to build trust. If you truly want to create content that builds trust, you must provide enormous value to your readers.

Backlinko’s Brian Dean coined the phrase “skyscraper” writing. Essentially, this entails finding a valuable piece of content and then improving it to make it infinitely more useful. Dean discovered a blog post about 50 factors Google considers when ranking articles, for example. Then he spent hours researching and writing an article titled “Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List,” which completely eclipsed the original piece.

As a result, thousands of people shared his article, his website was flooded with traffic, and he gained a reputation as an SEO marketing authority.

I like Brian Dean; if you put in the effort to provide a lot of value to your readers, you’ll be rewarded handsomely.

Final thoughts

It’s not easy to create content that inspires trust. To create something that truly matters takes time, research, and dedication. But it’ll pay off in the long run, both in terms of the trust you build with potential customers and the financial results.

It isn’t enough to create content and hope that someone will find it. You must create content that will help your customers develop a strong sense of trust in you. After you’ve established yourself as a reliable source, you can consider selling to them.


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