The Best Accounting Software for eBay Sellers

The Best Accounting Software for eBay Sellers – eBay remains a popular—and profitable—venue for eCommerce businesses as one of the first platforms available for individual and small business eCommerce. eBay is no longer just an online version of a yard sale. Serious companies sell on eBay and profit handsomely from it.

Along with eBay’s rise as a serious business, accounting software for eBay sellers has risen as well. Gone are the days when eBay sellers had to rely on spreadsheets, personal finance software, or desktop applications to track their inventory, income, and expenses. For eBay businesses, there is a plethora of cloud-based accounting software.

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However, a plethora of options raises a plethora of questions. You might be unsure how to choose the best accounting software for your eBay company. Please continue reading to see our top picks for eBay accounting software.

Consider These Factors When Choosing Accounting Software for eBay Sellers

Inventory is the lifeblood of your eBay business, just like it is for any other retail business. If you only sell on eBay, your inventory is likely to be small, and if all of your inventory is stored in a convenient location, you can manage your inventory with a spreadsheet.

But what if you sell on other platforms, such as Amazon? What if your inventory is kept in a warehouse or distribution center off-site?

You’ll probably need to invest in an inventory management app as your eBay business grows. Yes, it will cost you money, but it will save you hours and thousands of dollars in inventory management mistakes.

When choosing accounting software for your eBay business, keep your future inventory management needs in mind. Your inventory management software should ideally integrate with your accounting software, so choose accounting software that allows for easy integrations. (Spoiler alert: all of the options on our list are compatible with third-party apps.)

Taxes on purchases

One of the most significant advantages of having an eBay business is the ability to reach customers all over the United States and even the world. However, there is a drawback to this benefit: sales tax compliance.

Recent court decisions have thrown a lot of people off when it comes to sales tax compliance. In the United States, there are over 10,000 sales tax jurisdictions, and staying in compliance with all of them on your own is a nightmare scenario for any eBay seller.

Fortunately, there are apps available to assist.

Avalara and TaxJar are two excellent sales tax automation options for your eBay business. Both Avalara and TaxJar will file and remit all necessary sales tax returns and payments for you for a small monthly fee.

Are you unsure if you must pay sales tax in a specific location? Avalara and TaxJar both have an extensive database of sales tax requirements for each state. Your accountant, of course, can assist you with this, as well as other tax implications of doing business in multiple states.


There’s one more thing to consider before we look at the best accounting software for your eBay business. All of the accounting software options we’ll go over and the third-party apps for functions that aren’t included in the core accounting package are straightforward to integrate.

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In reality, integration is far from simple, especially at first.

Your accounting will be completely ruined if the integration is done incorrectly. Consider hiring a bookkeeper who specializes in eCommerce in general—and eBay in particular—to assist you with setting up your accounting software and third-party app integration. Invest in the services of a bookkeeper when you first set up your accounting software, even if you aren’t ready to hire one on a long-term basis. This will save you time in the future, as well as headaches.

For eBay sellers, the best accounting software is

Now that we’ve covered some of the factors to consider when selecting the best accounting software for your eBay business let’s look at our top picks. These accounting solutions were chosen for their ease of use, availability of third-party app integrations, and ongoing support resources.

The choices are all cloud-based. Cloud-based accounting systems’ power and flexibility far outweigh the cost of subscriptions. You get the following benefits when you use cloud-based software:

Many eBay sellers are digital nomads who have access to their accounts in real-time from anywhere. You can access and update your financial records from anywhere you have an internet connection when using cloud-based accounting software. You can collaborate with a bookkeeper or accountant from anywhere in the world without having to worry about transferring your accounting data to them.

Integration with third-party apps is simple:

The majority of eBay seller third-party apps are cloud-based, and many only work with cloud-based accounting software. Using cloud-based accounting software ensures that integration is simple.

Updates to the software are made automatically:

Updates to cloud-based accounting software are released regularly. This ensures that the most up-to-date and secure software always protects your sensitive business data.

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